The sister of Keisha Cole, reality tv star of Family First. Nefferteria the older sister writes a book on paying a price of being a reality tv star. The book is written about Neffe and her relatives including her mother Frankie and sister Keisha. Keisha was very upset about the book read and has some words for Neffe due to Neffe talking about Keisha in her book.
Neffe recently went on The Breakfast Club and stated that: "Keyshia did not want her and her mother to do the realty show "Neffe and Frankie". Keisha wanted the show done the right way reflecting morals, principals, and values"
Keisha recently took to twitter saying:
"How many of y'all have leaches in your family? I need to know I'm not alone! Bitch talk about me in her book wearing the boots I gave you on the cover? Fucking bogus. Gotta keep much man from all that drama tho. It's not cool like that.
Well what do you guys think? Sounds like Keisha is not feeling Neffe and her book. What it sounds like is family drama.